A lot of people assume that press on nails are only for little girls who cannot wear acrylics nails just yet. But, this is far from the truth.

In reality, many women, including Hollywood celebrities constantly showcase their glamorous press-on nails every time they walk down the red carpet.
What are Press-On Nails?
For those who are not familiar with them, press-on nails are the temporary tips designed with pretty art that you can use as an alternative to gels and acrylics. There are some non-professional artists that use different press-on nail brands.
Press-on nails can help you save time since these are already decorated before the application. It is the main reason why many celebrities love these temporary tips. This is not only because nails are natural and short but also because they always rock no matter where and when you use them.
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Press-on nails are often available in different options. There are now artificial nails that already look very natural, not to mention that you can even customize them with ease. Press-on nails can be customized by sizing every tip first.
There are several press-on sets that come in several options that can be used for getting the perfect fit on your natural nails.
The corners of press-on nails can also be filed down to achieve a square-shaped tip similar to your cuticles. There may also be a need for you to shorten the tips and file down the press-on nails tips to create an even look. There is no need for you to worry about doing it since each nail bed is made differently.
How Long Do Press On Nails Last
To answer your question on how long do press on nails last, these can last for as much as 2 weeks if you will hold these down for a long time while applying.
A lot of people don’t really realize this common issue. If you will hold down the nails for less than 10 seconds, there is a chance that they will pop off since they won’t stick that tight.
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Press-on nails can last longer if you keep these off water for a minimum of one hour after fixing them.

How to Remove Your Press-On Nails
Most people never like the process in removing the press-on nails since they just end up losing a part of the nail bed or their skin.
This happens if you improperly remove your press-on nails. If you wish to salvage the nail underneath, there are several steps you can follow for proper removal of press-on nails:
- Prepare the press-on nails for the removal process.
- Begin by trimming your nails down and removing any shine with the use of a nail file.
- Put your nail in an acetone-filled bowl. Fill up pure acetone on a non-metal bowl then soak your fingernails for some time to dissolve the press-on nails and make the glue underneath softer.
- Remove any press-on nails left behind. Scrape off the additional glue left on your natural nails. Better results can be achieved if you soak your nails for a few more minutes. This will help take off any residual amount of glue.
Why Press On Nails are Better
Those days when press on nails look obviously fake and basic are long gone now. More and more companies are starting to change the press on nails industry as they make a major comeback.
Below are some of the top reasons why press on nails are now considered better:
They Don’t Cause Damages on Your Own Nails
Your nails can stay healthy under press on nails. This means that you wouldn’t be getting those yellow and frail nails that are quite common with gel and acrylic. When you pop a nail, there is no risk that you will bleed or crack your actual nails. Once press on nails pop off, all you have to do is glue them back on. Also, once your actual nails grow under them, you can be sure that they won’t incur any damages.
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They are More Affordable Than Other Choices
Press on nails are also cheaper in terms of money and time. You will be able to save a few dollars per month when you opt for press on nails. It can also save you from the need to spend for fuel going to your favorite nail salon twice per month to get your fill ins if you settle for acrylic. Also, if you want to switch as much as four times a month, there is no longer a need for you to spend as much as how you would have otherwise spent at a salon.
You Can Find a Style for Everyone
In case you haven’t given them a try before, press on nails are also a great choice since they provide coffin, square, stiletto, round, and almond nails with extensive variety of designs and colors.
You Can Apply and Remove Them Easily
When it comes to press on nails, it is important to use the correct amount of glue and ensure that your nails will perfectly fit the nail bed for them to look real. For taking off press on nails, all you have to do is soak them in acetone or hot water for up to 10 minutes and watch them slide off your nails. This process can help you maintain healthy nails.
They Make You Look More Professional
Admit it or not, you are often judged by your appearance and one of the first things that other people will notice about you are your nails. People may end up judging you if your nails are not done well. If three of your nails are broken or chipped and you have no time to visit the nail salon, others will judge you more. You can prevent these awkward situations, thanks to press on nails.
Press On Nails Don’t Lose Their Shine and Don’t Chip
Whatever you do, the color and design of your press on nails will last. All you have to do is remove them then put them back on with no worries that they will chip or get damaged. They can also stay shiny so you can enjoy them for as long as you want.