Polish and Pearls

What Happens if You Don’t Push Your Cuticles Back

Cuticles are important for keeping your nails healthy, but if you don’t push them back, they may grow out of position and friction may occur when you move your fingers. This can cause the skin around your nails to become red and sore. To avoid this, use a cuticle pusher to gently push your cuticles back every week.

What Happens if You Don't Push Your Cuticles Back

What Is Cuticle and Why Is It Important?

Cuticle is the thin, transparent protective layer that covers the nail plate. It is made of dead cells that are tightly packed together. The cuticle seals the nail plate and helps to keep out bacteria and other contaminants. It also helps to lubricate the nail as it moves over the skin. The cuticle should be kept healthy and free of infection in order to protect the nails from damage.

Reasons Why You Would Want to Push Back Your Cuticles

There are many reasons why you would want to push back your cuticles. Pushed back cuticles are less likely to snag on things, making them less likely to tear. This also makes them less likely to get infected.

Additionally, by pushing your cuticles back, you can more easily see and treat any hangnails or other issues with your nails. Finally, when your cuticles are pushed back, your nails will look much neater and cleaner.

What Are the Consequences of Cuticle Overgrowth?

Cuticle overgrowth can have serious consequences for your nails. If the cuticles are not trimmed and maintained on a regular basis, they can begin to grow over the nail plate, making it difficult to maintain healthy nails.

Additionally, this can lead to fungal and bacterial infections, as well as other nail abnormalities. It is therefore important to trim your cuticles on a regular basis in order to avoid these problems.

Another consequence of cuticle overgrowth is itch. When the cuticles become too thick, they can rub against the skin, leading to an irritating and often persistent itch. This can be frustrating and even debilitating, making it difficult to concentrate on anything else.

Cutting Cuticles: Does It Really Make a Difference?

The cuticles are the thin, protective layer of skin around the nails. Cutting them is a common beauty practice, but does it really make a difference?

Some people believe that cutting the cuticles allows bacteria and dirt to enter the nail bed, which can cause infection. Others believe that cutting the cuticles makes them less likely to tear or rip, and promotes faster nail growth.

There is no definitive answer as to whether or not cutting the cuticles is beneficial. Some people swear by it, while others have never noticed a difference. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to cut their cuticles.

Best Way to Push Back Your Cuticles without Hurting Yourself

The best way to push back your cuticles is to use a cuticle pusher. This is a small, metal tool with a blunt end that you use to gently push your cuticles back. Be careful not to poke yourself! You can also use a toothpick or the edge of a fingernail clipper.

If you have dry skin, you may want to apply a bit of moisturizer before pushing back your cuticles. This will help prevent them from cracking and bleeding.

Be very careful when pushing back your cuticles – too much pressure can cause them to bleed. If they do start bleeding, hold a cold compress against the area for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.

How to Care for Your Nails After You Have Pushed Back Your Cuticles

Pushing back your cuticles is a great way to keep them healthy and looking good, but it’s important to take care of your nails after doing so. Here are a few tips for how to care for your nails after pushing back your cuticles:

Keep Your Nails Moisturized

Pushing back your cuticles is an important part of a manicure, but it’s also important to keep your nails moisturized after doing so. Cuticles can often become dry and brittle after they’ve been pushed back, so using a moisturizing cream or oil can help to prevent this.

There are a number of different types of moisturizers that you can use, but I recommend using one that contains Shea butter or vitamin E. These ingredients will help to nourish your cuticles and keep them healthy.

Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals on Your Nails

Cuticles are the delicate, fleshy skin at the base of your nails. They can often become dry and cracked, and need to be treated gently. Pushing them back too hard or using harsh chemicals can damage them and cause infection.

There are a number of ways to take care of your cuticles without using harsh chemicals. One is to soak them in warm water for a few minutes before pushing them back. You can also use a moisturizing cream or oil to soften them up.

If you do need to use a chemical remover, make sure it is diluted and applied sparingly. Use a gentle brush or cotton swab to apply it, and avoid getting it on your skin around the nails. Rinse thoroughly after use.


In conclusion, it is best to push your cuticles back. While there are some pros to not doing so, the cons outweigh them. Not pushing your cuticles back can lead to infection, pain, and unsightly nails. To keep your nails healthy and looking their best, be sure to push your cuticles back every time you groom them.